Carousel Party Hosted for National Adoption Month

In celebration of National Adoption Month, Volunteers of America Southeast Louisiana hosted its annual Carousel Party from 9:30 – 11 AM on Saturday, November 10. Dozens of families brought together through Volunteers of America’s Adoption Program enjoyed carousel rides in the New Orleans City Park Carousel Gardens and celebrated their unique families.

“As a licensed adoption agency, Volunteers of America has created thousands of loving forever families through adoption over the decades,” said Lori Arceneaux, Adoption and Maternity Services Program Manager for Volunteers of America Southeast Louisiana. “We are proud to work with and provide support for birth mothers and adoptive parents throughout all stages of the adoption process, and we were excited to give these wonderful families a day to celebrate their happiness.”

As a licensed adoption agency for more than 75 years, Volunteers of America has successfully united thousands of forever families over the decades. For more information about Volunteers of America Southeast Louisiana’s Adoption and Maternity Services Program, visit