Our Mission

Our work of Helping America's Most Vulnerable reflects our century-old mission.

Volunteers of America is a movement organized to reach and uplift all people and bring them to the knowledge and active service of God.

Volunteers of America, illustrating the presence of God through all that we do, serves people and communities in need and creates opportunities for people to experience the joy of serving others.

Volunteers of America measures its success in positive change in the lives of the individuals and communities we serve.

Our Vision

Our vision for Volunteers of America Southeast Louisiana is to be the premier nonprofit human service provider in the quality of our programs and services, in stewardship of the resources entrusted to us, in creating new ways to serve people, in measuring our results, in managing change and planning for the future, and most of all, in living our mission of service to our community.

Impact Statement

Volunteers of America helps the most vulnerable and under-served people achieve their full potential.

We provide services that are designed locally to address specific community needs. Our common areas of focus include promoting self-sufficiency for the homeless and for others overcoming personal crises, caring for the elderly and disabled and fostering their independence, and supporting positive development for troubled and at-risk children and youth. We look at the whole person and address both urgent and ongoing needs, with the goal of helping people become as self-reliant as possible.

We draw on more than a century of experience and the reach of a nationwide movement that is:

  • Bonded by a commitment to faith, human dignity and social justice;
  • Dedicated to actively engaging volunteers in the community; and
  • Committed to the highest quality of service.

Why We Do What We Do

We are Volunteers of America.
And we are the first to step forward,
taking on the most crushing problems.
The dire.
The homeless.
The untouchable.
And we make a difference.
Because we not only perceive the burdens of others,
we know firsthand what it means to make them lighter.
This is why we do what we do.

Our story is long and rich.
And widely unknown.
But we're not chasing fame.
Or glory.
Our lives are meant for service.
For lifting up the brokenhearted.
For finding the lost.
For reaching out with mercy and compassion
to those who thought they were beyond reach.
For uplifting all our lives.
This is why we do what we do.

Every day, we see our brothers and sisters
lying beaten and bruised on their own roads to Jericho.
We act because we're trained.
We're impassioned.
We're honored.
This is why we do what we do.
Like our Great Exemplar,
we go among the unclean,
the broken,
the forgotten,
and the outcast.
And we use our lives to make theirs better.
This is why we do what we do.

We are Volunteers of America.