​Rubye Noble and Voris Vigee Named to Volunteers of America’s National Board of Directors

Volunteers of America, one of the nation’s oldest and largest human service nonprofits, has named New Orleans-area attorney and healthcare advocate Rubye Noble to a two-year term as chair of its national board of directors, effective July 1, 2018. The organization has also named southeast Louisiana nonprofit executive and community leader Voris Vigee to a two-year term on its national board, effective July 1, 2018.

Noble serves as a senior assistant parish attorney and the state legislative liaison for Jefferson Parish, La. This role includes coordination of the 19-member Jefferson Parish Legislative Delegation at the State Capitol. She also has extensive and long-term experience in behavioral health advocacy, as well as association and nonprofit project management. She first joined the Volunteers of America Southeast Louisiana local board in 1992 and served as a local board representative member of the Volunteers of America national board from 1995 to 2004. Noble returned to the national board as an at-large member in 2014.

“Rubye has been a tremendous advocate for Volunteers of America and the people we serve, both nationally and in her home state of Louisiana, for many years,” said Volunteers of America National President Mike King. “She has a keen understanding of our organization and its needs, which she has honed during more than two decades of dedicated service. We are deeply blessed to have someone of her experience and insight leading our national board during this period of growth and opportunity.”

Noble’s behavioral health advocacy has included appointed state leadership positions under the administrations of multiple Louisiana governors and serving as chair of the Louisiana Behavioral Health Advisory Council. She developed the Jefferson Parish Human Services Authority and “The Extra Mile,” a unique Louisiana model for community-based nonprofit organizations enhancing the quality of life for individuals receiving public services for behavioral health, intellectual and developmental disability, and child welfare needs.

A native of Baton Rouge, Noble currently resides in Metairie, La. with her husband Robert Evans. She holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration and a juris doctorate, both from Louisiana State University.

In addition to her work with Volunteers of America, Noble serves on numerous other boards and committees focused on healthcare, legal representation of persons with disabilities, the arts and beautification.

Vigee serves as executive vice president of program operations for Volunteers of America Southeast Louisiana, managing more than 28 million in revenue in 20-plus programs serving vulnerable populations in 16 southeast Louisiana parishes. She has been with Volunteers of America Southeast Louisiana for 23 years, and, in 2012, was chosen among 16,000 employees across the country to receive the Volunteers of America Excellence in Administration award.

Vigee is on the New Orleans Regional Leadership Institutes’ board of directors’ executive committee, and has served on the boards of the New Orleans Fair Housing Action Center, St. Paul’s Episcopal School and other organizations. She is an international surveyor for the Commission on Accreditation for Rehabilitation Facilities, a former Vistage International member and a 2016 alumnus of the American Express Leadership Academy. New Orleans CityBusiness recognized her in 2014 as a Women of the Year honoree for her innovative leadership and outstanding contributions to the community. She also received the National Association of Black Social Workers’ Rising Young Black Administrators: A Call to Action award and was featured in the 2016 summer edition of Path to Excellence magazine.

A native of Chicago, Vigee currently resides in New Orleans, La. with her husband Ronald Vigee and their three children. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Xavier University of Louisiana; a master’s degree in business administration from the University of Phoenix; and is a candidate for the University of Notre Dame’s Mendoza College of Business’ master’s degree in nonprofit administration.