Rubye Noble Evans Elected to National Board of Volunteers of America

Lifelong Volunteer, Committed to Advocacy for Individuals With Behavioral Health Challenges 


Media Contact:
Donna Betzer
Volunteers of America
(o) 504-486-8667 | (c) 504-722-9575

New Orleans, LA (June 20, 2014) – At the 2014 Volunteers of America National Conference in Denver, CO, Rubye Noble Evans was elected as a Member-at-Large to the national board of directors.

“We are thrilled for Rubye and the national board of Volunteers of America.  It is remarkable to have a friend of the Volunteers of America Greater New Orleans affiliate recognized nationally for her commitment to serving others,” said James LeBlanc, President/CEO of Volunteers of America Greater New Orleans. 

Advocacy for adults and children with mental health and addictive disorder challenges is the volunteer role to which Evans is most committed. She is immediate past chair of the Louisiana Behavioral Health Advisory Council and was appointed to advocacy leadership positions in the administrations of Governors Jindal, Blanco, and Foster. During the Roemer Administration, she co-founded a statewide network of community-based nonprofit organizations dedicated to providing community resources to enhance the quality of life for people who receive public services for mental health, addictive disorders and developmental disabilities.  

Evans served 15 years as a board member and President of Volunteers of America Greater New Orleans.  She was elected to the National Board as a local board representative and served as board Vice President, Legacy Campaign Chair, and National Housing Task Force Chair during her earlier tenure on the National Board.  In recent years, she has been an active member of the National Public Policy Committee.  

“I am committed to the mission of Volunteers of America and very honored to be asked to serve in a national at-large position,” said Evans. 


About Volunteers of America 

Volunteers of America is a national, nonprofit, faith-based organization dedicated to helping those in need rebuild their lives and reach their full potential. Since 1896, our ministry of service has supported and empowered America's most vulnerable groups, including at-risk youth, the frail elderly, men returning from prison, people with disabilities, and those recovering from addictions. Our work touches the mind, body, heart-and ultimately the spirit-of those we serve, integrating our deep compassion with highly effective programs and services.