Reuniting a Body with A Spirit

Providing Federal Offenders with Resources to Make a Successful Transition Back into the Community.

The Volunteers of America Southeast Louisiana Residential Re-entry Center (VOASELA RRC) has the capacity to house 100 federal inmates, both male and female, through a contract with the Federal Burea of Prisons. VOASELA RRC acts as a secure residential re-entry center for inmates finishing their sentences with an average stay of six months.

This 44-year-old program remains true to its long-time mission of rehabilitating offenders and preparing them to successfully re-enter and reintegrate into society. We are accredited by the American Correctional Associations with a 100% accreditation score. The Center has the capacity to house 100 federal inmates, both male and female, through a contract with the Federal Bureau of Prisons. The Center acts as a secure residential re-entry center for inmates finishing their sentences with an average stay of 6 months. Only about 10% fail to follow the rules and return to prison. These numbers have been consistent for the past 10 years.

The Center helps inmates re-establish family relationships, provides employment assistance such as job placement through resources in the community, employment information assistance, development of soft skills for employment, and assistance to remain abstinent from substance abuse, and other programming activities. Inmates, though carefully monitored through accountability practices, can leave the Center to work, attend therapy sessions, and attend dinner and weekends, if eligible, with family. The center promotes financial responsibility (court-ordered restitution, special assessments, fines, and court costs, state or local court obligations, other federal government obligations, and subsistence payment) for inmates who reside at the Center. While residing in the Residential Re-entry Center, offenders with income are required to pay 25% of their gross income. Residents who have other means of financial support (social security, Veteran's Administration benefits, retirement, etc.) are also required to pay 25% of such gross income. By complying with the facility's rules and regulations, inmates can show that they are ready to re-enter and reintegrate into society as a productive citizen.

It is the policy of VOASELA RRC to provide a safe and secure environment for all staff, residents, volunteers, contractors, and interns. VOASELA RRC is committed to maintaining a program for the prevention, detection, and response to sexual misconduct in VOASELA RRC facility. VOASELA RRC is also committed to zero tolerance for sexual misconduct between staff, volunteers, contractors, visitors, or residents whether committed by staff, volunteers, contractors, visitors, or other residents. Allegations of sexual abuse or sexual harassment that involve potentially criminal behavior will be referred to the appropriate legal authority to conduct criminal investigations.

For more information:

Sexual Abuse or Harassment Reporting Methods:

  • VOASELA provides at least one way for resident to report sexual abuse or sexual harassment to a public or private entity that is not part of VOASELA (File an Administrative Remedy, Electronic Message to Staff: DOJ Sexual Abuse Reporting Mailbox (TRULINCS), Tell Any Staff Member at Any RRC Facility, and In writing to: Office of the Inspector General U.S. Department of Justice Investigations Division 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Room 4706 Washington, DC 20530
  • VOASELA RRC permits third parties, including fellow residents, staff members, attorneys, outside advocates, and family members will be permitted to assist residents in filing requests for administrative remedies relating to sexual abuse allegations and to file such request on behalf of residents.
  • The PREA Coordinator/Program Director shall be the recipient of all third party reports of sexual abuse and sexual harassment. A third party may submit an allegation of sexual abuse and sexual harassment directly to the PREA Coordinator/Program Director in writing, verbally, or via phone.