A Second Chance

At 48, Joseph, a Veteran of the United States Navy found himself homeless and embarrassed about his situation. With no family or friends to help him with his struggles, he lived in his car—but that changed with a little help from our Veterans programs.

In support of the evidenced-based Housing First model, Joseph was placed into transitional housing within two weeks of contacting us. Shortly thereafter, with support of our Veterans Reintegration Program, he found a full-time job. With a sense of confidence, dignity and purpose, Joseph is now putting the pieces of his life back together. He recently called to thank the staff for caring so much about homeless Veterans.

Volunteers of America has been a leader in providing comprehensive services for homeless Veterans for many years, and has been recently recognized for our work. At the National Alliance to End Homelessness conference, First Lady Michelle Obama acknowledged our efforts saying, “After Hurricane Katrina,Volunteers of America...shifted their focus to getting veterans into permanent housing as quickly as possible. And in thelast three years, they’ve already helped morethan 400 veterans across the state of Louisiana.”