Jonathan—Young Man With Mental Illness Finds Stability

Life can be challenging for persons with mental illness and their families. Getting proper medical care and support often proves daunting.

A local man named Jonathan experienced these challenges. His life revolved around psychiatric hospitalizations and time in jail. He had little hope things would change.

During a recent stay in Southeast Louisiana Hospital, Jonathan was referred to Volunteers of America’s Mental Health Services program, which provides case management and other help designed to enable persons to live stable, meaningful lives.

Volunteers of America’s case manager spent time building trust with Jonathan while he was hospitalized. When Jonathan was discharged, his case manager stayed as close as a guardian angel. One challenge Jonathan faced was that he did not believe he had a mental illness that required medication. Despite these feelings, the case manager continued to support Jonathan. Soon, Jonathan began keeping his mental health appointments and taking his medications.

The case manager helped Jonathan find an apartment and part-time job. Today, Jonathan is more stable than he has ever been, and he is even improving his relationships with family and friends. The encouraging news is that Jonathan has remained out of the hospital for more than 14 months. Before joining the Volunteers of America program, the longest recent period that he was able to stay out of the hospital was six weeks. Jonathan continues to do well, enjoying life and making plans for his future.