Kenny And Gisselle’s Story

Kenny and Gisselle waited eight months to become parents through our Adoption program.

Like most prospective adoptive parents who come to Volunteers of America, they had tried unsuccessfully to have a child—in their case for seven years. Gisselle’s cousin worked for Volunteers of America and encouraged them to contact the program’s social worker. After learning about the process, they realized they had found their path to parenthood.

After completing the requirements, including a home study and adoption education, Kenny and Gisselle began waiting—and preparing a nursery. Then an expectant mother asked to meet with them. They became cautiously optimistic and prayerful. When the baby was born, the mother invited Kenny and Gisselle to visit at the hospital—a special moment for the couple.

A week later, the birth mother made her final decision for adoption. She requested to be the one to officially “hand” her child to the adoptive parents. Kenny and Gisselle named their daughter Amelia and describe her as “perfect in every way.” They were recently overjoyed to share their first Christmas with their baby girl.