Lighthouse Helps Raise Grades, Confidence

Victoria, an introverted seventh grader, has been on the verge of failure for several years. Despite her teachers’ efforts to get her motivated and engaged, Victoria had a D average.  In January, Volunteers of America’s Lighthouse Program came to her school, offering after-school tutoring and stimulating activities for the students.

Victoria started attending each day. Her teachers say it has been like a light turned on in her brain. The extra support helped her get motivated. Her grades have risen to C+, and she is on track to finish the year with a B average. Victoria now sits in the front rows of her classes, eagerly participating. Victoria’s mother, who works full-time, is delighted with the change. Victoria now enjoys school and has a new goal: receiving an A in a class, something she has never achieved. Her new favorite subjects are math and science, and she is looking forward to high school and college.

The kind of progress Victoria is making is possible for so many others like her. All it takes is the right kind of intervention and help. This is what The Lighthouse Program offers each day. We help at-risk children experience greater confidence and accomplishment.