RSVP Program Grows, Reaches More Students

As the Christmas lights, trees and decorations adorn our community, it is a wonderful time to reflect on all of the amazing work our volunteers are doing.

This month, we partnered with two schools that provided heartwarming Christmas Cards made by students for our troops overseas. Additionally, we have added The Boys & Girls Club of Slidell as a permanent volunteer site. It will be a wonderful site where our Volunteers will make a difference in the lives of young people.

Overall, the RSVP program continues to meet and exceed expectations. From July 2013 to June 2014, we supported 22 volunteer stations, with 326 RSVP Volunteers serving over 42,000 hours. As our program continues to grow, we look forward to exceeding these numbers. 

Without RSVP Volunteers giving back their time, skills, and energy to our community, our Parish would not be the great place it is to live. Experiencing quality of life truly means neighbor helping neighbor.