Volunteers Come Long Distances To Help Build Community

Volunteers from around the country are traveling to our community to help seniors stay safer in their homes. In March, Volunteers of America hosted volunteers from Faith Lutheran Church, Madison, Minn., and Kingman Mennonite Church, Kingman, Kan. Each group spent a week working with our Repairs on Wheels Program, which provides minor home repairs to seniors, enabling them to remain in their own homes as they age.

The week was a positive experience for volunteers and seniors. “Thank you all for the opportunity to be a part of this volunteer experience you provided for us. I have come home with a greater appreciation of what I have and a renewed commitment to continue the volunteer work I have been involved in,” said Kate Ouverson from Faith Lutheran Church. The groups helped five families in St. Tammany, St. Charles and Jefferson Parishes by building handicap accessible ramps, renovating kitchens and bathrooms and doing other interior home repairs.

Volunteers of America thanks these groups as well as the many other volunteers who give so freely of their time.