Affirmation of Faith

An Affirmation of Faith for Volunteers of America  

We believe in the one supreme God, who is creator and is creating the universe. 

We believe God is made known to us in the Trinity as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.   

We believe that God speaks to us through the Holy Scriptures which are inspired by God to lead us into truth and understanding.  

We believe that all people will sin, and that God offers us grace and redemption through acceptance of the teachings of Jesus who was truly human, yet the Son of God.  

We believe that the Scripture teaches we need to be cleansed in our hearts that we might find God’s grace by repenting toward God, believing in Jesus and allowing the Holy Spirit to regenerate our spirit within our heart.  

We believe that we are called to be the church, the family of God, to serve God by serving others, and to seek justice through our “ministry of service.”  

We believe that the soul shall never die, and we shall be raised again everlasting, before God.    
